Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How Dating Online Sites Work

Online dating is really not that different from "offline" dating. With online dating you simply use a computer connected to the Internet to browse web sites that offer dating services to find a date by searching profiles that interest you. Both men and women can use these dating online sites. Some dating online sites allow you to browse their profiles for free while others charge a small fee to allow access to their data base.

The basic model of an online dating site is actually very simple. As a user of dating sites online, you are required to create a profile of yourself, which is stored in the site's server. With your profile available online, all other members that are part of the same online dating site will be able to find you. All dating online sites run a powerful search program that can match profiles on the basis of age, gender, community, interests etc.

While most dating services online provide free registration, you will undoubtedly want to become a paid member if you really want to take advantage of the more advanced features of your membership. As a free member, you'll probably have access to a few profiles. The pricing strategy for paid memberships varies from site to site. The payment also has several layers. The maximum access is provided to those users who pay the highest rates.

As an upgraded (paid) member, you have many more advantages over the free members. Take privacy as an example. Privacy is a very important matter. Most paid dating online services are very picky about the privacy of their users. To protect you, they usually route the contact mails through their mail server so that neither party will ever see the actual mail address of the other. In fact, some dating online sites advise their users getting a free email account exclusively for online dating. All of this protection does not happen in the case of free web sites; all your personal information is visible to everyone! As soon as you upgrade your membership you have total access to the advanced features of the online dating service site - to post, browse profiles, etc. Also, keep in mind that only paid members can contact other members. In addition, as a paid member you are also entitled to a higher ranking in search results.

As in the real world, there are certain precautions you must take in consideration when using dating sites online. If you are just getting your feet wet on the online dating world it is recommended that you avoid mentioning personal information such as your full name, address, phone number, social security number, place of employment, etc. This is the most basic advice you must follow in order to avoid unwanted experiences like being the victim to cyber stalkers.

There's something you must not forget though. You should always enter your interests in full as part of your profile; there is no harm in doing this. And this will help you attract many prospect dates that are interested in knowing more about you. Otherwise, you'll never be noticed! It also makes sense to add a good photograph of yourself in your profile. It has been proven that profiles with photographs get much better results than profiles without photographs.

Once you become familiar with the different features that your online dating service membership offers, you'll be more than ready to really start making use of the online dating site. When it comes to making your first communication, you should make it through mail. A second great feature that you'll definitely want to use in the near future is voice communication. Of course you'll do this only when you've developed a liking for your online friend. But... hold on - not too fast! Even if you've come to this point you should not give your landline number. The most recommended tip is to use your mobile first. This way, you won't be revealing your home address. And if things really get smooth, then you should try inviting your online friend to a date and meet him/her for the very first time in the real world. Good luck!

Hector Morales is the owner of It offers information about adult dating services online (, free online Christian dating (, and other online dating tips.Celesta Blog24055
Allissa Blog80149

Electric Tooth Brushes- for effective Superior Cleaning

Electrical Tooth Brushes help in keeping your teeth and gums healthy and clean. The dental health depends on how you brush your teeth and the type of Brush you use for the same.

Brushing is ones daily habit and it should be done compulsorily and must be done in a proper way. Certain points should be noted while brushing like the amount of time taken and tools involved. Lets review about the fact whether electrical Toothbrushes are good for proper cleaning of teeth.

The results have proved that great number of People who brush with a manual Toothbrush find it difficult to consistently Brush using adequate technique when compared to electric Toothbrushes. The modern electric Toothbrushes are tools which can create an effective brushing action. All a person must do is focus on brushing long enough with an electric Brush as the skill level that is needed to brush properly with an electric brush is minimal.

When electric Toothbrush is compared to manual tooth Brush, manual toothbrush requires certain things such as manual dexterity and some diligence, which are often in short supply. A good electric Toothbrush will probably clean more thoroughly than brushing by hand in those cases where the skills needed for manual brushing are deficient. So if more time is spent in brushing with electric Toothbrush rather than manual Toothbrush then they will probably get more cleaning accomplished.

The subject of one research shows the superiority of modern Electric Toothbrushes over manual Toothbrushes. This study evaluated the plaque removing efficiency of three different electric Toothbrushes vs. brushing by hand over various time periods ranging from 30 seconds up to 6 minutes. The study found that the use of all three electric Toothbrushes was more effective than brushing manually, for all of the time periods evaluated.

They also determined that more dental Plaque was dislodged with an electric Toothbrush in 2 minutes of use than a manual Toothbrush used for 6 minutes. The use of an electric Toothbrush is superior to the use of a manual one as per the clinical research. Ability to remove dental Plaque and a concurrent reduction of gingivitis are the criteria that are usually used to make this determination of the brush.

Several studies review the superiority of electric Toothbrushes over manual ones. The certain studies review that manual brushing is superior than electric brushing whereas some studies review that electric brushing is superior to manual brushing. Most of the studies have come to the conclusion that electric brushing is superior to manual brushing. Hence use electric brushing in order to reduce your pressure and get an effective cleaning.

John Gibb is the owner of electric toothbrush sources, For more information on electric toothbrushes check out http://www.Electric-ToothBrush-guidance-and-info.infoAntonia Blog65224
Breanne Blog5400

Know Your Credit Rights

Building a good credit history is extremely important. The way you handle your credit has a big impact on your way of life, your career, the way you conduct business with others, and even on the place where you live. Employers, money lenders, property owners, and business owners can all consult your credit history when determining whether or not to do business with you.

For this reason, you need to learn how credit is given and why it is rejected. In the United States, the federal government has enacted several major laws that control consumer credit including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Each of these laws gives consumers certain rights and responsibilities in the money lending process.

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is included as Title VIII of the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The main focus of this law is on guaranteeing ethical practices in the method of collecting debts from consumers. The law encourages just, rational, and non-discriminatory treatment of consumers by forbidding debt collectors from taking unjust, offensive, or misleading actions.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act includes the following provisions:

1. Debt collectors are allowed to contact other people, aside from the debtor himself, only to find out the whereabouts of the debtor.

2. Debt collectors aren't allowed to contact the debtor before 8:00 am and after 9:00 pm local time.

3. Debt collectors aren't permitted to intimidate, pressure, or make threats of legal action or arrest to the consumer if it is not duly planned, considered, or made known to third parties.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

The Fair Credit Reporting Act upholds the confidentiality, discretion, and truth of information used in creating consumer credit reports. The Act controls the distribution, collection, and utilization of credit information and gives consumers a way to dispute incorrect information on their credit reports. Under this law, consumers are entitled to the following actions:

1. Credit bureaus are permitted to provide credit reports only to those with lawful business causes. Only entities such as insurers, employers, creditors, housing providers, and government agencies are allowed to receive an individuals credit report as part of the evaluation process.

2. Consumers must be able to access their credit reports in order to ensure the datas correctness. In cases of denied credit, consumers have the right to know which credit bureau issued the report to the lender. This way, the consumer will be able to check if there are any discrepancies on the report.

These are just some of the rights consumers enjoy under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, although there are many more. Its important to understand your rights in case you ever wind up in trouble with regard to your credit. However, unless youve studied American credit laws in depth, you may need additional assistance if you feel youre being treated unfairly. Seeking legal assistance from a reputable credit counseling service or an attorney experienced in consumer credit may be the best way to get your credit affairs in order.

This article was published by Sarah Russell on Smart Young Money a collection of money management resources for teens and young adults. For great information on using credit, managing debt and more for young people, visit Blog99948
Berenice Blog71207

Tranquil Debt Management With Debt Consolidation Loan for Tenant

It is not possible for everybody to have a home of his own. Such people are tenants or non-homeowners. Their lack of home may come in their way when they are looking for debt consolidation in form of debt consolidation loans. Debt consolidation loan for tenants are specially designed for serving these people.

Debt consolidation loan for tenants doesnt require any security for their approval. These loans cater towards the purpose of combining or consolidation of all your existing debts to make the repayments easy and hassle free. Debt consolidation loan for tenant offers you much low interest rate than what you are paying in total for all your existing debts at variable rates. Debt consolidation loan for tenant are available to tenants, PGs, non-homeowners, students, people living with their parents etc.

Credit score is a matter of concern for every borrower these days as it gives their lender the assurance for getting their money back on time in absence of any security. It is important for you to know your credit score. You can order a copy of your credit report along with your credit score from credit rating agencies namely Experian, Equifax and Transunion at some charge. A debt consolidation loan for tenant helps you enhance your credit score by reducing your debts in numbers and ensuring you a single monthly repayment.

You can also take the help of other debt consolidation services along with debt consolidation loan for tenant. These services include debt management plans, budget planning, credit counseling and debt education etc. There are lots of debt management agencies in the market who will guide you in the process of debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation loan for tenant is easily available in the loan market. But who would like to do the tiresome job of visiting the offices of each and every lender in the market. Internet searching is the best alternative available for you in doing so. You can search among free loan quotes available on these loan websites. After comparing them with the help of comparison tools you can select the best debt consolidation loan for tenant deal from the rest. Lastly you can apply by filling a simple online application form. You loan request will be processed by the lender, once he is satisfied with your application details.

Debt consolidation loan for tenant can support you with amounts ranging between

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at BestTenantsLoanUK with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of wriiting and thoroughly researched datas. To find tenant loans, Debt consolidation loan for tenants ,bad credit tenant loans,unsecured tenant loans,UK best tenant loans,secured tenant loans UK,unsecured tenant loans UK,bad credit tenant loans UK,personal tenant loans UK that best suits your need visit Blog5741
Carine Blog1233

How To Correct A Continually Rebooting Computer

When you sit down at your computer desk and press the power switch on your desktop, the last thing you want to experience is a continually rebooting computer.

There are a variety of causes that contribute to this problem, from something as simple as a stuck power button to a much more serious problem as your power supply slowly failing. Other causes for this problem may be overheating PC components, or viruses affecting your system.

Now, if youre like the rest of us, having a computer that reboots constantly is not our idea of a productive day. So how do you diagnose this problem and where do you start to to make corrections. Here are some common but often overlooked causes and solutions that will get your system running again.

First take a look at the power button and see if its stuck in the socket. If so, you may be able to simple tap the front of the case to release the button. In some cases, you may have to remove the system unit cover to get the button to return to the out position.

If you cannot stop the computer from rebooting by pressing the power button and releasing it, turn off the power switch in the back of the computer next to the power supply. If your power supply do not have a power switch, you will have to unplug the system from the wall outlet.

This must be done as soon as possible so that the constant rebooting will not damage components such as the hard drive. Constant rebooting also have the danger of power surges that can further damage larger components such as the motherboard.

Second you check your computers software by checking to be sure no virus or malware have not effected your hard drive. Virus and malware are small software that is downloaded along with other files that is designed to cause mischief.

To remove any viruses and malware, use a anti-virus program that will search your hard drive and remove these file quickly. These files can cause such damage as wiping your hard drive of all data or hijacking your web browser so you have no control over your online surfing.

If you find no malware on your computer, take a look at your BIOS to see if it has become unstable or has been changed. BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System and is a small program designed to check all components for proper operation when the computer is turned on.

If your BIOS has been changed or if youre not sure if its been changed, try to reset the BIOS settings to the default settings after you access the BIOS as the computer reboots.Once inside the BIOS, you should have the option to load your default settings, save the change, and reboot the computer.

However, there are times when a continually rebooting computer will not allow you to access the BIOS. You can then reset the BIOS by removing the system unit cover and locating the jumper on a three pin header.

You must consult your computer or motherboard manual to properly perform this procedure and it should be done as a last resort. Before making any changes to your BIOS, you should backup your BIOS if your computer reboots at long intervals.

After checking your computers software for its rebooting problem, you must check to be sure hardware is not at fault. This problem may exist because one of your memory modules are unseated from its socket . Memory modules are long, narrow sticks that attach to the motherboard.

Remove any static electricity from yourself, remove the system unit cover and check these memory modules to be sure they are secure. Check the connections to the hard drive and the connections leading from the power supply.

Power supply connectors should be checked if youve done work inside your computer recently. Power Supplies are known to slowly fail and lead to rebooting problems. There is no way to check an ailing power supply and this should be considered the problem as a last resort.

Following these steps will help you correct any computer that continually reboots itself. If no virus or malware is found, carefully and thoroughly check all connections. And if the problem still exist, the most likely cause would be the Power Supply.

Otis F. Cooper is solely dedicated to boosting the knowledge and confidence of every computer user. Sign up to receive his informative articles every month and learn PC Repair absolutely free.Sign up now at http://www.ultimatepcrepair.comCaroline Blog24169
Ajay Blog84400

Learning About The Apple Computer

Are you interested in an Apple computer? That is great news. Below we will review the Apple computer and computers in general. The personal computer has evolved so much in the last decade. Most importantly the actual speeds of these home computers are off the charts. Apple computers have some unique characteristics that differ from other personal computers.

Can you remember the days when there were no computers? Nowadays, one cannot even think without a computer, computers hold such importance in our life. The first one among all, IBM, came with the one with the rolling ball. Through computers, one can perform those things, which one even cannot dream.

The personal computer or P.C. have changed everything particularly, in the manner the documents we create today. This is a cool electronics site Rest is history, we are assisted by the computers in each of our activities whether it be work, entertainment or playing games; no one can live without a computer! Due to limited knowledge, some of us still believe that only one kind of computer exists.

Comparing an Apple home computer is like comparing a personal pc as a regular automobile is to a Indy 500 racing car. The Indy car runs, excellent, like a normal automobile. The Indy car (and the Apple home computer) is slick and economical, built for maximum throughput. The regular auto will do what you ask it to do, with some encouraging words. The Apple computer will follow your commands like a King doling out rules. The regular auto needs rest and quite often stops working because it cant keep up. The Indy car works on and on like a work horse does on a farm.

Well I do not blame you, since you have not seen or used the masters. A Master is like riding a wild horse full of energy and enthusiasm, which never gets tired. Each of us gain knowledge through experience. Therefore, it is high time for you to try the machines like Apple desktop computers or Mac. Whenever you get a chance to handle such a machine, go for it and then you will realize the difference between them. With the change in technology, one should be updated.

You might think that I am just saying this for the sake of it. But, I became a true believer after a month with my Apple desktop when I suddenly realized, it had never crashed even once. The other system crashes about twice a day. If you worked with a PC for a long time, you will need some time to adjust. Not that the Apple computer is difficult; it is just slightly different.

To open a file from the "finder" known on a PC as the explorer, you can't press 'return'. Such things will take time for you to adjust. And here is another thing that is different with an Apple desktop. No viruses. I do not even own a virus cleaning system although I keep a virus checker going in the background on my Apple desktop computer. And what do you think it finds? A Mac is immune to all known viruses.

Another thing, about an Apple computer, that is great is the automatic software updates. You just need to connect to the Net and it automatically calls home for updates. No checking the website, no figuring out what you need. The operating system and installed apple software is updated automatically.

I hope this review of Apple computers was deemed useful by you and your peers. We could easily write for days about Apple computers. They are truly a unique machine and cant really be compared to other personal computers. Like comparing Apples to bananas! Enjoy your Apple computer!

Ron Eletrick loves working with the following businesses:Austina Blog99691
Aubrie Blog23503

Basements And Garage Stuff Can Be Gold!'

Once every year, it is advisable that a homeowner checks his attic, basement and garage for unwanted stuff. As time passes by, there are some items and appliances that are no longer needed and only take up room.

Before anything else, check with your family members to see if they still need the item that you are thinking of selling. Sometimes, it may seem like trash to you but for your significant other or children, it may have sentimental value. If the item, such as books, CDs, magazines or trinkets aren't ready to be thrown away or sold, keep them in storage boxes and neatly place them in a corner of the basement or attic, away from the pests such as termites, cockroaches and even rats.

Just like a commercial on TV, in order to attract the attention of your neighbors or passers by that youre having a garage or yard sale, put up a big sign. Better yet, put an appliance out by the road that would really make their heads turn something big and old but still re-usable.

Now, cleaning the basement, garage and attic is really challenging because it requires patience when sifting through each item. Afterwards, you double check whether you can sell them or not. If you can, then you have to clean them up before presenting them to potential buyers.

The basement and garage are the most challenging to sift through. First of all, you have to check with your husband if he still needs those tools or your wife if she still has use for those appliances. As for old toys, books, magazines and CDs, your children might be holding on to those for sentimental reasons.

Thats the challenge to garage sales. Most people can't let go of the stuff they can sell because of sentimental reasons. Sometimes they do, but then the price is too high. Remember that these items for sale are only sentimental to you, and not to the buyer. Grandpas chair is only grandpas chair in your eyes. For a possible buyer, it is living room furniture.

In cleaning the basement and garage stuff it is advisable that you start in one area, finish it, then move to the other. Don't rush it. Take your time. Since these are where most of the old schoolwork and appliances are kept, be very careful in lifting because if you do it too quickly, they might fall on you.

Ask help from family members in fixing and cleaning the garage. This can be a family-affair over the weekend. Usually, it only takes one to two days to sift through all the items that have been stored.

Now that you have cleaned the garage, the next step is to label the things you will be selling. Tools are a bit more expensive than living room appliances even if theyre second-hand.

However, before presenting them in a stall or booth in front of your house (wherever youll be holding your garage sale), make sure that the garage tools youll be selling are repaired and cleaned. Youll gain from this because thoroughly cleaned second-hand items may seem brand new to the buyer.

To earn more, you could also ask help from your relatives or neighbors. If theyre willing to do so, they can also have their own garage sale. In doing so, this may call in the attention of more people and collect more money if pulled successfully.

The secret to a successful garage sale is patience. In the end, youll also benefit from it. Not only will you be earning extra cash, youll also have more space in your garage and your basement for future storage.

Thats why you must always make it a hobby to clean your garage and basement whenever you can. There are also funny stories when uncovering a sentimental item during spring cleaning. That item alone brings back good memories. You should try it once in a while. Sometimes going back to what is important in your past can either be useful in the future or cathartic to where you are in the present.

Ainuddin Mohamad is the Webmaster of which is a Directory of Best Websites. Since 2000 it has featured thousands of best websites in many categories of interest with descriptions/reviews given by leading publications and webmasters.Aleta Blog9035
Afton Blog7371

How To Create Your Own e-Commerce Site

E-commerce is touted as one of the most viable online business opportunities on the Web today. In comparison to traditional brick and mortar businesses, e-commerce site requires minimal start-up cost and is relatively low-risk. However that does not imply creating an e-commerce site is a simple process, neither does it guarantee your future success. The purpose of this article is to walk you through the necessary steps and plans you would need in order to set up a successful e-commerce site.

Un-earth Your Niche

The very first thing to do is find your niche. Examine your hobbies and interests for potential business ideas. If you love soccer, consider selling soccer supplies or team uniforms, online. Focusing on your expertise or something you have great passion for would give you an advantage over competitors who do not have in-depth knowledge of that niche.

Research Your Niche

Once you've whittled down a few ideas, explore each one further. Ask yourself these questions: How many people are looking for your services? Where do they go and find people like yourself? How many searches are created for your product or service on Google? You may not have a budget to create demand, so it's safer and cheaper to go where the demand already exists.

Scope out Your Competitors

Research your competitors inside out. Spend time to check out their websites and compare their products and services. Give yourself an idea of what youre up against, so you can create your e-commerce site as professional as, or even better than theirs.

Write Your Business Plan

You want to have a foolproof business plan for your business. Work out a detailed formula - including your site theme, goals, business strategies. It's also a good idea to keep a record of expenditures, sales, profits etc. Your business cannot just be a 'me-too' business online. Develop a powerful USP (Unique Selling Position) that sets you apart from your competitors and makes you stand out from the crowd!

Create Your Website

Register a good domain name as marketing tactic. Name that ends in *.com is best of all. Try to include relevant keywords that properly describe your business or product if possible.

A well-designed website creates a good first impression with your prospects. Get yourself a professional website template at an affordable price and customize it to suit your need. Most templates can be easily customized using common HTML editors and simple graphics software.

Youll want your website content to target specific keywords for high search engines ranking and traffic flow. This can be done by creating informative articles, product reviews, descriptions and comparisons. If you're short on time, many SEO (search engine optimization) experts are willing to help you out for a reasonable price.

Host Your Website

Find a dependable hosting company to host your website on their servers. A quick search on Google for web hosting should bring up hundreds of companies ready to do business with you. Select a reliable web host that provides adequate disk space and bandwidth with e-commerce scripts supporting features. Domain name-specific email accounts must also be available to give a professional image.

Your website files can be uploaded using a simple FTP program or file uploading service in your hosting account. Technical support personnel from your hosting company should walk you through the steps to upload your files and launch your website.

Implement a Shopping Cart

An e-commerce site is never complete without a secure shopping cart. The best option you can consider is a remotely hosted shopping cart which takes the burden of maintaining security and credit card numbers off your shoulder. Most remote shopping carts can be configured to look similar to your website so your customers may not realize that they have left your website when making a payment.

If a remote shopping cart is not within your budget, there are still lots of third party credit card processing companies that are ready to process your credit card orders using their merchant account for a small fee. Some popular ones to you can check out are ClickBank, PayPal and 2CheckOut.

Marketing and Promotion

You have identified your niche, set up your e-commerce site and you are good to go. Now comes the most crucial part - promoting your site! This could be a full-time career option for most people. Either you can learn to do this yourself or you can have an expert do it for you.

Begin by submitting your site to major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Dmoz, etc. You also need to optimize your site using profitable keywords and keyword-rich content. There are lots more business promotion strategies such as advertising, link exchange, e-zine promotion etc. which you may need to explore to create your online presence and build traffic.

Setting up your e-commerce site is sure a lot of work, but it's just the first step. Making it successful is even more work, but the pay-offs can be rewarding. Remember, success can be yours provided you work hard and smart!

Lewis Low is the founding editor of For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at www.OnlineBizPromo.comAnne Marie Blog84389
Adriaens Blog12371

An American Bespoke Supercar - The Panoz Esperante GT

Here's one of the modern breed of American fast cars - the Panoz Esperante GT, which combines the traditional V-8 with some modern technology. And the engine is not bad either.

The Panoz has an interesting construction. It consists of the center section of a Ford Mustang underbody and aluminum extrusions. This is fairly light and rigid, and less expensive to produce than carbon fiber.

With its modern/trad lines, the Esperante is a great-looking two seater convertible. There are two roadsters, the Esperante and Esperante GT, which is lighter. There is also the supercharged GT-LM coupe or convertible, which has improved aerodynamics. All the cars share the same basic lines and layout, with a 'coke bottle' side line, and with fenders that project forward of the main grille. The headlamps fit flush with the fenders.

Power comes for various versions of Ford 4.6 liter V-8, 32-valve engine. In the Esperante and GT this engine develops a healthy 305 bhp at 5,800 rpm, with maximum torque of 320 lb ft (434 Nm) at 4,200 rpm. This is actually about the same as you get in the current Mustang, so for the GT-LM more power is added with the aid of a supercharger. This pushes the power up to 420 bhp at 6,000 rpm and torque to 390 lb ft (530 Nm) at 3,500 rpm, which give the GT-LM the grunt to hold its own with the Corvette and other supercars. Surprisingly, this version uses the cast iron block to give more durability.

Six-speed manual on GT-LM only

You get a five-speed manual box as standard with a four-speed automatic as an option, but the GT-LM gets a six-speed box, which is almost obligatory with that sort of performance.

At the front and rear are sub-frames to carry the suspension and the axle gears. Tubular double wishbone suspension is used front and rear, the geometry being modelled on that of racing cars. However, the GT-LM is closer still to race car suspension of the works cars. Gas-filled dampers and coil springs are used, while there is a tubular anti-roll bar at the front only.

Despite the twin front airbags, ABS, traction control and a limited slip diff, none of the Esperantes is overweight, with the GT weighing in at 3,197 lb (1,450 kg) and the GT-LM weighing 3,384 lb (1,536 kg), which competes with the Corvette at 3,245 lb, and the new Jaguar XK at 3,513 lb.

The Panoz Esperantes are good-looking supercars at reasonable prices and with plenty of performance. Of course, the supercharged engine in the GT-LM has plenty of scope for more power if that's what you want - 500 bhp is definitely available.

John Hartley is editor of, an online magazine devoted to fast cars and supercars. He has written from many of the world's top auto magazines, and has written many books about cars and the auto industry, including 'Suspension and Steering Q&A' and 'The Electronics Revolution in the Motor Industry'. Arlena Blog23163
Catlee Blog30211

How to Make a Free Web Site

In the present time the internet craze has swept the nation and these days everything and everyone is online. Everyone having fun on internet and get knowledge from the web site.

If you want to know how to make a free web site, the good news is that you've set an easy goal for yourself. Learning how to make a free web site is about more than just getting your web domain for free - you need to know how to put information on that site as well. Many domains offering free web sites also feature free online tutorials that will help you write your web pages. Some sites are so user-friendly; you don't have to write any of your own web code at all! You can select colors and font sizes from the domain's own page editing service. When the domain is willing to write your pages for you, it's very easy to learn how to make a free web site.

Once you have decided on the topic of your website, it is time to start writing. The text should flow naturally and be divided into easily read paragraphs. Your first objective is to make sure your visitors can easily navigate your website and quickly access your content. According to the web designer point of view If you try hard enough, you can probably come up with some funky style for a page with for example, a new wacky navigational menu. The problem is that everybody expects to see a web page layout follow certain basic rules; navigation sections have to be arranged in a certain way, links have to look a certain way ... being consistent makes the web site easier for the visitor to use. Your site should have content that changes frequently, encouraging return visitors.

And once you know how to make a free web site, you'll have your own space on the Internet that others can visit. It's free, it's easy, and it's your own piece of the world wide web. After all, everyone else is on the Internet - why should you be left behind?

Sean McGill is Business Head for The Web Design Company, and is into web-design, development and Search Engine optimization.Birgit Blog13977
Ailyn Blog9270

When To Workout

What should I eat? When should I eat it? And whens the best time to work out? Should I hit the gym when I wake up in the morning, during lunch hour, or late afternoon? Everyone has a different opinion, whether they are an entrepreneur, a freelance photographer, a school teacher or a diehard fitness freak. So HCM took the query to the training professionals to get their take on the problem.

Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, author of Your Performing Edge and member of the medical staff at Stanford says, The best time of day to exercise is first thing in the morning. You lower your stress and increase your metabolic level. If you wait until later in the day you may put the workout off and not do it at all. (Website for helpful articles and success tips:

Dr. Yariv Rothman, a Venice, California chiropractor also prefers the A.M. workout. A morning workout can be very helpful, especially if youre shedding those extra pounds post pizza night. Cardiovascular exercise or circuit training in the AM stimulates the endocrine system, releasing endorphins and enhancing mood. Dr. Rothman says, My patients who work out in the early morning report that they have more energy throughout the day and deal with stressful situations at work better.

Guy Grundy, Mr. Australia, is a morning person, too. He says, By training first thing in the morning you are able to take advantage of certain factors. You release more growth hormones (GH) at this time due to the low blood sugar levels. The more GH you release the better.

If you are looking to gain bulk or become more lean, your meals will be a little different. To bulk up, Mr. Australia suggests, A high protein, high carb snack is great before the workout as you will have additional nutrients in your system while you are training. Dr. Dahlkoetter suggests a sports bar or a bowl of oatmeal.

If you are looking to drop body fat Guy Grundy offers a suggestion before pumping weights, Go with a shake. Its easy to digest and will ensure you have enough protein in your system while you train. Remember, if your body is low on carbs it will use protein as an energy source.

Grundy says, I always make sure I have a little more protein in each meal as I like to stay lean and therefore eat less carbs. I build muscle and drop more body fat with this method.

The most important meal is the one immediately following your workout. You should look to get between 25-50% of your daily carbohydrate intake. And the amount of carbs needed during a post workout meal varies between people. Guy Grundy says, My favorite is egg whites, flank steak, and three blueberry and banana multigrain pancakes.

Theres a good reason for all these carbs. After a workout your body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves. Your body is releasing more insulin, sending needed carbs back into the muscles. These calories and nutrients absorbed during post-workout meals are directed into the worn muscle mass which leads to a better gain in muscle and cell growth.

Guy Grundy says, Using creatine with your post workout meal and a high amount of water will provide even better results.

Dr. Rothman says, Your body needs refueling as well as protein, which is necessary for muscle repair. He suggests a turkey sandwich or a few scrambled eggs with fruit.

There is a downside to the morning workout. Since muscles are still asleep from a long nights rest, they need some waking up before strenuous exercise. Spend a few minutes warming up. This could be five minutes on the stationary bicycle and stretching exercises, which will avoid unnecessary strain on muscles and ligaments.

Ryan Kravetz, a Bally Total Fitness trainer and former Team USA ice hockey forward, knows a morning workout gets the metabolism going, but he has practical concerns. The crowd hits the gym in the early morning and late afternoon. This is the time when people have to wait to do their bench presses or leg lifts. The equipment is available without a wait during midday, says Kravetz.

Not everyone can jump out of bed in the morning and pump iron. There is a school of thought that agrees with Kravetz, but for a different reason. Led by Dr. Phyllis Zee of Northwestern University, this group cites a good explanation for the P.M. exercise. Muscle strength is at its peak, and people are most alert. Therefore, athletes are less apt to injure themselves.

Theres some science to back this opinion, too. It has to do with circadian rhythms, our internal biological clocks. These rhythms time our sleep, wakefulness, and body temperature. During the afternoon our internal clocks have increased our body temperature by one to two degrees. Consequently, muscles are more supple lowering the risk to injury. For most people this happens between 2:00-4:00 P.M.

Exercise before bedtime is frowned upon. According to Dr. Dahlkoetter, sports psychologist, If you exercise at night, you will become dehydrated and have more difficulty sleeping. A workout before bedtime will keep you up. Sure, youll be wide awake for Letterman or Leno, but youll have trouble waking up for that early morning appointment.

Maybe its an A.M. workout you prefer to start the day with an energy boost. Or a P.M. workout suits you best when your muscles are warm and you need to relieve some stress. Take your pick. Choose one and stick with it. And remember to eat smart before and after you exercise. Maintaining a regular workout schedule with an appropriate diet could extend your life and definitely improve your mental and physical health.

Dane Fletcher is THE Training Authority and writes exclusively fro, a leading provider of weightlifting supplements and alternatices to anabolic steroids. For more information please visit http://www.steroidpimp.comAugusta Blog35977
Arlena Blog122

Affordable Remote Video Surveillance for Everyone

John was on a business trip in Europe, when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and there was a text message that read motion has been detected at your home on camera #2.

No one was supposed to be in his house while he was away, so this could only mean one thing, someone has broken in.

John immediately logged on to the Internet and in less than 2 minutes he was watching a stranger rummaging through his house. By comparison, the 10 minutes it took him to contact his hometown police department seemed pitifully slow.

Yeah John said Im watching the guy on my surveillance cameras right now, you can still catch him if you hurry

A few minutes later the police arrived at Johns house and caught the thief just as he was leaving with a bag full of Johns stuff.

John thought to himself, this surveillance software has just paid for itself, unlike my neighbors alarm system that calls the police every time his cat triggers a sensor.

Home security and surveillance can be an indispensable tool for keeping an eye on things while your not there. Video surveillance software allows you to use your home computer monitor as your viewing platform, and involves minimal set up using inexpensive software to connect your security cameras with a home network.

Applications can include doorway or gate security, grounds surveillance, or you can even view a hidden nanny cam right from a computer monitor inside your home. Or by logging in through the Internet to view your surveillance cameras, you can view what your security cameras see from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.

In the past, it was quite expensive to maintain and implement such security systems because they were tied to expensive recorders and other fancy hardware components. CCTV Systems and other high-tech surveillance systems can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars up to many thousands of dollars. But now, you can turn your computer into a powerful surveillance system at a fraction of a regular security system cost.

These surveillance software packages have no monthly fees, which means that for a small one-time cost you can have remote video surveillance for a lifetime.

Most of these software surveillance systems are easy and quick to setup and require only a very basic knowledge of networking. Some of them only require you to place the CD in your computers CD drive, and the software will walk you through the process in about 5 or 10 minutes.

These surveillance software packages can be used with wired or wireless security cameras. A high quality video stream will be viewable from a computer within your home, or from anywhere with an Internet connection. One such software package that I have discovered is the Visec security software. For around $100, you can install, set up, and immediately start viewing up to four surveillance cameras, remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Using your computer's IP address to log on, you can view live or past video, and many of these software packages even allow for a motion detection mode which will record video activity just when motion is detected.

They can even be set up to alert you by email, cell phone or PDA when motion is detected.

While these streaming surveillance videos can be viewed with a dial up connection, a High Speed Cable or DSL Internet connection is recommended. The use of a dial-up modem will tend to give you a choppy video due to the slow bandwidth speed of the connection, whereas a high-speed Internet connection will allow for a much smoother real-time video.

Steven Rubin is the owner of North American Security Products, LLC. A company dedicated to providing you with the means to protect and defend yourself against crime.Astra Blog88351
Camala Blog24262

Fake Hoodia Scams Abound Make Sure Youre Buying The Real Deal

Most Hoodia products being sold on the net today are nothing more than capsules filled with unidentifiable plant material and sawdust. Crooks and ripoff artists are exploiting the hoodia weight loss craze in America and scamming people into paying 40 bucks a bottle for fake hoodia.

Pure South African Hoodia Gordonii is rare, expensive and rapidly becoming as exclusive of a commodity as diamonds. There is only one place in the world where authentic Hoodia Gordonii is grown for commercial export and that is the Western Cape of South Africa. There are only 5 major farmers on the African continent authorized to grow Hoodia Gordononii and of those, only one has authorization to sell the pure powder directly to the US market.

Real Hoodia costs around 300 US Dollars per kilo and is available only to companies licensed by the FDA and USDA to import terrestrial plants. At this price, pure Hoodia Gordonii is one of the most expensive herbs on the market and many hopeful Hoodia manufactures cannot or will not pay the high prices involved with using authentic Hoodia Gordonii.

The scarcity and expense of pure Hoodia Gordonii is causing a worldwide scam of fake Hoodia products being sold. Many of these Hoodia imposters claim to have the real thing but lab testing shows they are actually offering a common cactus called Opuntia or Chinesse Extract. And what is even worse is some fake hoodia products contained ground plant material of unknown origins, starch, maltodextrin, rice powders, and sawdust! So its no wonder that one third of all hopeful Hoodia consumers have had bad results, they are buying bogus products sold to them by rip off artists that contain absolutely no genuine Hoodia Gordonii!

The good news is there are three Sure-Fire ways to verify the authenticity of Genuine Hoodia Gordonii products before you buy them. The primary method for determining that the vendor is selling you genuine Hoodia Gordonii is to look for a document called the C.I.T.E.S certificate. This is a certificate issued by Cape Nature of South Africa. It stands for the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Hoodia Gordonii is a protected plant species and it can only be sold and exported when a valid C.I.T.E.S certificate has been issued. Without this certification, any attempt to import Hoodia into the United States will be seized by US Customs at the point of entry. So, you can be certain that if they have a valid CITES certificate, you are buying the real deal.

But beware! Some websites claim to have a valid CITES certificate, but when you look at it you will notice the importer and/or exporter have been whited-out. A real certificate will clearly state the legal importer and exporter for the shipment. So take a good close look before you decide that they are legitimate Hoodia vendors.

The second way to authenticate genuine hoodia importers is to ask to view their USDA Import License. All Hoodia Gordonii importers must have a valid USDA license and be registered by the Food and Drug Administration. Any honest Hoodia Gornodii supply company will happily, in fact proudly display all of these credentials to verify they are lawful trustworthy suppliers. If they seem hesitant, or their paperwork seems shifty or incomplete, look elsewhere for your Hoodia, dont let yourself become their next victim.

The final and perhaps most decisive method to verify genuine Hoodia products is called the Alkemists Lab Report which I discuss in full detail at my website: to help you decisively authenticate pure Hoodia Gordonii products from the imposters.
Jennifer Wilson is an author and weight loss specialist providing insightful resources and reviews about the Hottest Weight Loss Diets and effective Weight Loss Supplements on the market. Check Out Her Special Report: Authenticating Pure Hoodia Gordonii Products at her website Candace Blog61396
Bertina Blog11763

The SCORM LMS: Compliance for Your E-learning Advantage

E-learning is both advanced technology and a challenge for people who want to learn more and progress in todays business environment. E-learning entails the use of technology to help people learn better: this means making use of the convenience of the online arena in delivering lectures and learning modules for people who have no time to enroll in classes and return to school. It also means making use of different multimedia devices and products to supplement conventional classroom lectures. This can include the use of audio and video files to accompany ordinary classes or schoolwork, which employees might find boring or monotonous.

E-learning is also a challenge. E-learning modules are delivered online, through a website or through software that functions by downloading learning modules through the Internet. These modules are best viewed by a conventional browser or supporting software, both of which entail long hours spent in front of a computer screen. This can be exhausting for many employees who already spend most of their day typing out reports and working out charts, graphs, and evaluations online. This means that e-learning modules have to be designed so well, in that they are attractive to the eyes, pleasing to look at without causing eyestrain, and delivering the most amount of important knowledge to employees at the same time.

On top of all these, e-learning modules have to be controlled by an efficient learning management system, or LMS. An LMS is a comprehensive software package that functions in sending e-learning modules and content to the right e-learning participants. In general, an LMS should be convenient for e-learning module creators to use: it should allow e-learning module creators and organizers to access the individual accounts of e-learning participants, and it should allow e-learning creators and organizers to change the content and style of e-learning modules no matter where in the world the e-learning creators and organizers are.

Creating a successful LMS means striking the balance between convenience for the users, and compliance with existing standards that govern the quality of e-learning products. Convenience can entail designing e-learning modules that are customized to meet the needs of individual businesses, even individual e-learning participants. This means that the e-learning infrastructure, or the LMS, has to be customized to either meet the needs of a fast-paced corporation, or the long-term educational aims of a distance education program offered by a university. An LMS should also ensure that e-learning products can meet the needs of as many different people as possible, whether these people are fast or slow learners, and whether or not these e-learning participants have disabilities that may get in the way of their ability to learn new things.

The LMS actually governs the run-time environment of e-learning products. This run-time environment is comprised of a union between the content provider and its host system, a collaboration that is, in turn, governed by a set of standards called SCORM. Short for Sharable Content Object Reference Model, SCORM standards ensure that an LMS and its e-learning product can cater to the needs of as many people as possible. To pass SCORM standards and receive SCORM certification, an LMS should be evaluated by the U.S. Department of Defense, whose ADL, or Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, dictates the progress and implementation of SCORM standards.

Having a SCORM LMS, or a SCORM compliant LMS, can spell profit for e-learning creators and producers. A SCORM certification means, among other things, that the e-learning software and module can be used across a wide variety of browsers, and is compatible with the greatest number of commonly used computer software. In other words, a SCORM certification can be used as a basis for quality, and having a SCORM certification can translate into high quality products.

If you are interested in getting a SCORM certification for your e-learning module, do as much research as you can on how you can improve your software. A SCORM certification can also be a good standard for judging what e-learning modules you can use to ensure the best education for you and your companys employees.

Rajesh Karavadia is the author and webmaster of, an informative website about learning management systems. Different types of lsm are discussed including information on learning management systems and elearning management systemAugusta Blog7775
Blondy Blog52863

Bathroom Installation And Decoration - A Few Tips And Ideas

The bathroom is an area of importance. It enables one to maintain personal hygiene and should be a private, personal space, designed for comfort and peaceful retreat. Bathrooms perform different functions, often depending on space or the lay out of a house. Regardless of type, it is an area that needs a great deal of careful planning and thought.

For large families, the installation of a new bathroom is worth considering. Not only can it put and end to morning queues, but should help reduce wear and tear on the existing bathroom. It can also increase the value of a house. For those blessed with enough space, ensuite bathing areas that incorporate shower cubicles, baths or full suites are a viable option. However, people with less room to work might want to consider the inclusion of a simple washbasin or shower in their bedroom or spare room.

The bath is the focal point of the room. For design purposes, its a good idea to integrate it into the overall design of the bathroom, whether with the flooring or wall decor. The shapes and sizes of baths vary so it shouldnt be difficult to find one that suits your bathroom best. For example, sunken baths can prove very attractive enhancements. They tend to blend in with a bathroom in terms of operation as well as appearance. However, they tend to require a little extra work to install and are more expensive than standard versions. If room is a problem, you might want to consider a corner bath. Useful at saving space, they could enable you to include other bathroom features such as a bidet or even an extra washbasin.

Choosing a bath not only effects the overall look and feel of a bathroom but can also save money. For example, acrylic versions tend to keep water heated longer than iron and metallic baths. Moreover, an efficiently designed bath may require less water to fill it than other types, thereby reducing the monthly water bill.

Bathroom fittings are often expensive and difficult to move around which means that alteration is problematic once installed. So careful, considered planning should prevent the need for revision once installation has taken place. The fittings and material used must of course be durable and waterproof. To protect the decor and prevent mould, the edges of baths and washbasins should be sealed - plastic sealant or sealant strips are easily available from leading bathroom retailers.

Like most rooms in the house, storage is a major issue. Sometimes bath products seem to colonise all corners of a bathroom. So adequate storage products are an important feature, integral to the successful operation of a busy bathroom Cabinets and cupboards can solve these space issues and are commonly available in fixed or free standing versions. Most good bathroom and furniture merchants stock them in large numbers.

Bathroom lighting should be thorough but not glaring. Many bathrooms have white fittings that can reflect bright light to an uncomfortable degree. Simple wall lights are an option that should provide sufficient illumination for performing every-day tasks, while complimenting the decor. It is very important that all types of lighting are approved for use in the bathroom and are carefully sealed. Switches should be placed outside, or a string pull installed to ensure safe operation.

Finally, if you plan on installing a tiled floor, the inclusion of bath mats is of great importance. With the amount of water that can be displaced in a bathroom area, mats can provide a non-slip surface that means added safety. They often come with adhesive strips that fix them to the floor and provide further stability.

John Shelabarger has worked in the affiliate industry for a number of years. He promotes a broad range of bedroom furniture through his site Blog39805
Antoinette Blog98066

An Elaboration of the Basics of Free Website Promotions - Part # 4

An Elaboration of the Basics of Free Website Promotions - Part # 4

Thanks for sticking with me throughout this mini "Free Website Promotions" article series. So far we have covered 8 topics in brief: in Part 1, we reviewed Submitting your websites to Directories, Joining Forums within your niche and Writing a Press Release: in Part 2, we covered Writing Articles and Banner Advertising and in Part 3 we hit on Search Engine Optimization, Classified ads and Creating your own Newsletter.

In Part 4, I will cover Submissions to Search Engines, Trading Links with other sites, Ebay Marketing. And Affiliate Marketing.

Search Engine Submissions - Free Website Promotion # 9

Most people find the information they are looking for on the Internet on what is referred to as a Search Engine. A Search Engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find specific information stored on a computer system, such as the World Wide Web. defines Search Engine Submissions as "A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found". I hope you understand now just why it is so important that you comprehend what it is to do keyword research effectively. I promise that if you ignor keyword selection or just sluff it off, you website will nevr obtain that almighty high page rank unless you are just plain lucky. So, do your research, and then do it again!

One of the misconceptions people have about submitting a website to search engines is that it has to be done in order to rank high in the search engines for a keyword search. Sadly, this is not true at all: the reality is that submitting your website to a search engine has nothing to do with how your site will rank or that it will even be indexed for that matter. Page Ranking revolves around just how well you optimize your website for the search engines. "See Search Engine Optimization in Part 3 of this series for more information"

There are literally only two reasons to submit your website to a search engine. The first would be to introduce an entirely new website to the search engines because the webmaster prefers not to wait for a search engine to spider or discover the site faster. The other reason is to update your website or specific pages in the search engines.

There are two ways to submit your site to search engines: 1. you can submit your home page directly to each search engines submittal page and 2. you can use a sitemap. Oh, and there is a third way, you can hire a Search Engine Submission service to submit your site to all of the major search engines and directories. Personally, it is my belief that hiring it done is a waste of your advertising dollars. Why, well, first you can buy software to do exactly the same thing for a very reasonable price, often times being able to take advantage of a free version. Then submitting your website to thousands of search engines is not productive as you majority of your search results are going to come from the major search engines like Google, Overture, and MSN.

Trade Links With Other Sites - Free Website Promotion # 10

One of the most advantageous means of generating free traffic to your website is to obtain as many back links to your site as you can. A back link is an incoming link to a website or web page. Search engines look at back links as a way to gage the popularity or importance of a website or web page. Back Links are also referred to as incoming links, inbound links, in links, and inward links.

One way to obtain back links for your website is to do a search within your niche and find sites that are similar in focus to your own. Visit the sites and locate a contact email for the webmaster. Then simply send that person an email requesting that they place a link to your website on their site. Many will ask the same thing in return so you may want to go ahead and set up a dedicated page that will house your links out to other websites.

If you do a keyword search about back links you will find that there are a number of neat software programs out there that almost automate this process. I remember one program that searched the web and located specifically websites that had link pages that allowed a free submission. I never picked it up as I was not involved in Internet Marketing at the time.

Ebay Marketing - Free Website Promotion # 11

Although you will say that Ebay isn't free and you would be right, but there are free ways in which you can capitalize on eBay traffic to drive a percentage of that traffic to your website. This can mean some serious extra free traffic if you work at this consistently. For example, when you fill out the eBay sign up form, you will learn that eBay allows you to display an About Me page that is linked from each one of your auctions. Make sure you take advantage of the About Me page and use it to promote yourself and your business. Ebay will allow you to put your website link on this page and you can have people join your email list from there too. Be careful: read the Terms of Service as you do not want to violate eBay's TOS and get banned from using the site.

Another nifty method of driving Ebay traffic to your website can happen when delivering your product, especially if it is a digital product. Simply plug the customer into your buying process. Offer them a back end product that compliments the product they bought from you. It does nto matter whether it is an upsell or not, the important thing is that you are able to make another presentation automatically to your customer. Remember, the best time to sell an prospect is right after they have already made a buy from you: that proves that they are in a buying frame of mind. Strike while the iron is hot!

Affiliate Marketing - Free Website Promotion # 12

I know, so how is Affiliate Marketing free your asking me right now aren't you? Well, passively is my answer. This does require that you have a website. Select the affiliate products you wish to promote and put up squeeze page on your website for each. Optimize each squeeze page to rank high in the search engines so you will drive organic traffic to your site from proper optimization. This is one of those systems that you set up once and then forget it. It works automatically.

Set up as many affiliate pages on your website as you want to. The real key objective here is to take advantage of free organic search engine traffic. Don't expect this to work overnight: it will take some time to get high page ranks on the search engines, but once you accomplish this, you will be amazed at how much additional traffic you will get to your sales pages. And you know what they say: high traffic=buying customers=big$$$$$.

Jimmy Oakley-Author-2007- Jimmy Oakley is an Internet Marketer that markets many of the most sought after Advance Email Marketing and Internet Marketing Courses online: the courses he markets are continuosly updated and never outdated. Learn the right ways of marketing on the Internet at the most acceptable prices you will find! Visit his Grand Slam Special Event now! and learn Advanced Email Marketing methods and Internet Marketing techniques found nowhere else.Alexina Blog36334
Anni Blog40475

Data Entry Outsourcing: Where to Find the Most Competent and Affordable Outsourcing Company

As an owner of a company or a business, you want to save money as much as possible in order to profit more and let your company grow. Thanks to the internet, outsourcing your business process can be done in other countries where qualified, and experienced computer operators are widely available at a very low cost.

Countries such as India, Philippines, China and other developing countries are now accepting outsourcing as part of a very lucrative industry.

Data entry work is one such thing that businesses and companies today are outsourcing to lighten the heavy workload and also to do it more efficiently, faster, and more accurate.

First of all, before you consider this option, you have to know what data entry is all about. Data entry operations include data conversion, image and document processing, image enhancement, catalog processing services, photo manipulation services and others.

Data entry is a constant need for some organization or companies that needs to document its daily activities. So, if you need data entry jobs, you should consider outsourcing it to other companies abroad that offer quality data entry jobs at a very affordable price.

There are a lot of benefits that you can take advantage of if you outsource your data entry jobs. One is that you will be able to have your data entry jobs done at a very affordable price; two is that you will be able to get it done professionally by competent people; and three is that you will be getting rid of this extra work in your company. Meaning that you will be effectively separating your companys work into manageable pieces.

Data entry is often used in medical billing and transcribing. It can be done by freelancers or an outsourcing company from other parts of the world. Over the past two decades, data entry companies and freelancers have been doing this work.

While it is true that data entry jobs can be done in-house, but there are certain jobs that should be done by experts rather than your staff. If you need a particularly large job in data outsourcing, it would take a lot of time and will require overtime for your staff if you do it in-house. However, if you outsource it, your company will function more normally and focus on more important work in your business.

So, if you have a time-consuming and expensive data entry jobs that your company needs to finish, you can consider outsourcing the data entry jobs to freelancers, or data entry companies that accepts outsourced jobs. For example, catalog management can prove to be very time consuming and expensive. This will involve handling and maintaining paper catalogs. By outsourcing it, you will save a lot of money and still have time for your companys priority.

Data entry outsourcing will certainly change the way you run your company. It will let you save a lot of money, get the job done professionally, and it will allow you to effectively manage your companys priorities and workloads.

Always remember that before you hire a company or a freelancer to outsource your data entry jobs, you should first check the quality of their work and their work experience. It is recommended that they should have at least experience in the field of data entry jobs you will be outsourcing.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog11758
Catlee Blog30211

Business Continuity Planning

Many years ago, I worked for a small insurance company. Just like many other businesses, we shut down operations for the Christmas holiday. As it happens, this one eventful year Christmas fell on a Monday. The company also gave their employees the preceding Friday off, thereby granting a fourday holiday.

The weather that Christmas season was bitterly cold, as it often is in that part of Virginia. The maintenance staff turned off the heat in our 7-story building to save on costs. Unfortunately, they neglected to turn off the water. I received a call Sunday afternoon informing me there was a serious problem. Apparently, a major water pipe had ruptured on the 7th floor.

When I arrived at the building there were literally large sheets of ice emanating from all the windows onto the sides of the building. Upon entering, I could see just how disastrous this pipe rupture, unattended for two days, was going to be. The ceiling tiles on every floor had given way and fallen into the work areas. All the desks, file cabinets, computer equipment and so on were covered in debris, ice and water.

We had no choice but to turn the heat back on in order to melt the ice. As the ice melted it just further compounded the water problem. Most floors in the building had between 8-16 inches of standing water. The water damage to file folders and documents, electronic equipment, furniture and everything else in the building was devastating.

It took many months to fully recover from what we later referred to simply as the incident. Many important insurance documents were permanently lost. Much of the computer equipment and other electronics were unrecoverable.

Amazingly, the company had made no plans for such a disaster. There was no way to quickly move data processing requirements to an offsite location. There was no offsite storage for the microfilm records used to back up the paper documents. Most of the microfilm, stored in metal canisters, survived. The majority of microfilm readers didnt since electronics and water just dont mix.

The company survived, but just by a thread. We could not process premium payments for many weeks, and people who were expecting insurance payments did not receive them in a timely manner. There were a number of lawsuits. It was, to put it bluntly, a total mess.

Business Continuity is one of those topics that just doesnt receive the level of discussion it requires. Too many people completely ignore it altogether. That can be a fatal mistake as it relates to your business.

Business Continuity is all about planning for the unforeseen events that can occur. Many people also call it disaster planning. No one likes to think about such eventualities, but as the saying goes, stuff happens.

Developing a business continuity plan involves making a thorough review of your overall business structure and identifying potential weak links in that structure. Some of these weak links are internal to your business, while some are external. A good business continuity plan will examine all of the what if scenarios that could adversely affect your business, and then identify possible contingencies.

Every aspect of your business needs to be considered: ownership, product or raw material sources, sales mechanisms (web site, storefront, et cetera), distribution chains, customer support, accounting and financial reporting, and so on.

These what if possibilities will be different for every business. It would be impossible for me to account for every possible manifestation in this article. Instead, I will discuss some of the more commonly overlooked things that can happen. It will be up to you to extrapolate from that discussion in order to identify potential fatal links within your own business structure, and develop appropriate contingency plans. I can only ask the questions.


Is your business dependent on a single key person? Such a person could be the owner, product developer, web site manager and so on. In such a case, that person represents a single point of failure. What happens to your business if something happens to that person? For instance, if your product derives from the efforts of one person, do you have a way to mitigate the effect of that person no longer being available?

Do you keep all your accounting and financial records in a one place? Do you have backup records in an offsite location? What would happen to your business if there were a fire, flood, earthquake, or other circumstance that destroyed those records? Do you have a plan in place to recover from such an event? It amazes me the number of people who dont back up their computer or paper records. If the hard drive on your computer failed, could you continue your operations?

Do you keep your inventory of products in a single place? What would happen if you experienced a fire or flood? Would you have a way to quickly replenish your stock? Would you be able to continue to fulfill orders in a timely fashion? If the answer is no, you have yet another single point of failure.

In the Mobile, Alabama area where my wife and I live, we are at the mercy of hurricanes each year. In the case of Hurricane Ivan and Hurricane Katrina, we lost our power and phone service for nearly a week. If something like that happened to you, do your customers have a secondary way to contact you, or you to contact them? Do you provide your customers with a cell phone number where they can reach you? Is there some local facility (e.g., library, Internet caf) where you could go to check your email?


If you purchase your product or raw materials from a wholesaler, is that company your only source? What happens to your business if that company has a fire, flood, or folds its tent? Do you have a secondary source you can quickly switch to? With the company I ran many years ago, I primarily used three distributors as the source for most of my products. But I also had arrangements with several others I could utilize if necessary. These companies had my TaxID, reseller, and other information already on file. If I had to make a switch, that switch would have been seamless from the perspective of my customers.

Are you dependent on a single carrier for your product delivery? What happens to your ability to deliver your product if members of that carrier go on strike? It happens. Just as with your suppliers, do you have a contingency plan for moving to a backup carrier if needed?

What about the company that hosts your web site? This is a very crucial consideration if your primary sales vehicle is via online means. What happens to your business if that hosting company has a fire or flood? Do they have a contingency plan in place to move operations to an offsite location? If they dont, do you have a way to quickly move to another hosting service? Do you have backups of your own web site (including your shopping cart/order database) that you could move?


As I said, this list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Much depends on your particular business operations. But you do need to consider the possibilities, and their potential adverse impact. Consider all the possibilities.

My recommendation would be to develop a document to define your plans and courses of action for business continuity. It doesnt have to be complicated; three columns is all you need:

1) Potential disaster scenario,

2) Potential impact on your business (you can use a 1-5 rating system for this 1 being low impact, 5 being catastrophic)

3) Contingency Plan

Obviously, the higher the impact rating, the more important it is to define a contingency plan. But dont just ignore it. Your business can survive many disaster situations, but only if you plan ahead.

Ray Herold has a 30+ career in the Computer Information Technology (IT) field. He has been a Systems Analyst, DB and Network Administrator, Website Development Manager, IT Architect and Director of IT. He has owned several successful online businesses. He is also the author of several books related to technology and business.Blinny Blog62343
Bertine Blog15025

Window Locks Close a Window of Opportunity for the Burglar

Window glass, like any other glass, can be smashed of course. But if you were a burglar would you want to break in to a home by breaking the window?

Likely you would not want to do that. Breaking glass makes noise, very distinctive noise that is likely to attract a lot of unwelcome attention. And then there is the risk of cutting yourself, if you were a burglar you would not want to cut yourself and lay yourself open to being identified by your DNA.

Although intruders do break windows, they prefer to climb in through an open window. Often the burglar does not even have to open the window himself because a surprisingly high number of us leave our homes with a window conveniently open, a real gift for a burglar.

Where windows are closed and locked it is often with very flimsy and poor quality locks. In fact many older windows are fitted with latches not locks, and these present no problem at all to the burglar.

Even good quality window locks are not expensive. It will not break the bank to have the extra peace of mind knowing that good window locks protect your windows.

Some types of window lock do not lock with a key but are secured by a thumb turn. These do a good job in preventing your windows from being opened from the outside unless, of course, the burglar takes that risk in breaking the glass. He can then reach in and operate the lock. By opening the window he lessens his chance of cutting himself when he climbs in.

Window locks that lock with a key are the best way to secure your windows, but the key must always be kept somewhere close to hand and all members of your family must know exactly where it is kept. You do not want any member of your family trapped in a blazing room to be hunting for the key. In fact if the window is a designated escape route you may be prevented by your local building code from fitting key operated window locks.

Another advantage of locks for upper story windows is that they prevent children from opening windows and falling out.

Quality window locks that are visible from outside offer the advantage that the burglar can see what he is up against. If he can see that the locks may thwart him, or give him a good deal of difficulty, he may just decide to leave your home alone and look elsewhere.

It may be necessary to fit more than one window lock to each window depending on the size. The larger the window the more the strain the lock will have to resist if the window is forced. Do not neglect small windows. Intruders can get in through incredibly small windows and some in fact use child accomplices to climb in for them.

Don't be tempted to forget about your upper story windows because the burglar won't, forget about them that is. Burglars do use ladders, often obtained from neighbors gardens, to get in through upper windows, so be sure, fit window locks.

Close that window of opportunity for the burglar, fit good window locks all round and likely the burglar will go elsewhere.

Martin Underwood writes about all aspects of home security. He is a regular contributor to The site that presents reviews and information about the best in home security, personal security and vehicle security.Blakeley Blog21113
Audie Blog44809

Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci Announces The New Last Minute Special Offers For Summer 2007.

Florence, Italy July 13, 2007 -- Don't you have a plan for this summer? Are you looking for a different holiday? Once again, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, one of Italy's largest provider of in-country Italian language schools in Italy, is announcing new special offers for the summer 2007 presenting innovative plans to promote the learning of the Italian language.

This year following the great success of the last Special Offers in 2006, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci will feature new last minute language travel packages in Italy in all its Italian language school centers (Florence, Milan. Rome and Siena).

The "last minute language travel package" is an offer comprehensive of a 2 week language and culture course and an accomodation in shared apartment, for students who wish to experience living and studying in Italy.

For the morning you can study Italian, while for the afternoon you can visit the city, with the free guided tours, or partecipate to the many cultural activities organized by the school. For the night you can have an aperitivo, a dinner in a typical restaurant, a disco night with the new friends you'll meet at the school and with the school staff, who usually partecipates and organizes the nightlife. Then, during the week-ends, the Italian school organizes daily excursions and tours around the Region, to visit the best places in the country, the lakes or some wonderful typical Italian towns.

Created to provide an opportunity for motivated and deserving students to experience the magic of study abroad at an Italian language school, the "last minute language travel package" aims to:

- progress from your language level to the upper stages;
- develop speaking and listening skills through daily conversation classes;
- give an introduction to the everlasting beauty and charm of Italian art;
- allow you to understand the mixture of tradition and change which characterizes contemporary Italy.

When asked about her experience, Sanda S., who studied in Milan with Scuola Leonardo da Vinci last year, commented: "I was delighted at the chance to travel to Italy and attend Scuola Leonardo da Vinci. I believe the programme helped me to improve my Italian in a friendly and supportive environment. I really enjoyed meeting people from around the world. Being able to study in Italy also helped me gain an understanding of the Italian culture. It was certainly an experience I will never forget and intend to repeat in the future."

Program details and supporting information, including students opinions and histories on the Language Course Experience in Italy, may be found on the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Web site at Next Starting dates, as written on the Web Site, are 30 July, and 08 August 2007.

For 30 years, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, the market leader in in-country Italian language courses, has been exclusively dedicated to the teaching of Italian to foreigners. Each year the company welcomes students from 60 countries to its Italian language schools in Florence, Milan, Rome and Siena. The companys Web site,, an Italian language portal offering information and pages of Italian language courses, culture and resources on 12 languages, receives more than 3,000 visits daily.

For general questions, contact the Marketing Office of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci.

Information and Registration Center (Florence, Italy)
Tel.: +39-055-29.03.05
Fax: +39-055-290396

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is one of Italy's largest provider of in-country Italian courses in Italy since 1977. It is present in the most beautiful cities of Italy (Florence, Milan, Rome and Siena).Beverlie Blog83065
Bellina Blog78334

Tally Oh - Abacus Education for Home-schooling

Enter a classroom in any abacus center in India and you will see children busy with something that looks like a toy - tiny brown beads compiled neatly in columns. On the wall is propped a similar toy, though bigger with large, shiny yellow beads.

The teacher calls out a complex calculation, almost like an open challenge. A little boy, barely seven, comes forward and recites a seemingly funny rhyme. He also moves the yellow beads up and down and gets the answer down pat. No furious adding, counting or subtracting! Amazed?

Welcome to the world of abacus education, where rigid arithmetic takes a backseat and visuals and imagination gain center-stage. Here children learn to use the abacus, an ancient Chinese invention, to solve basic arithmetic sums with speed and accuracy. Institutes, which offer abacus education, claim that they use arithmetic as a tool to develop mind skills, memory and lateral thinking abilities.

Popular in Asian countries like Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand, abacus education is relatively new in India. But several entrepreneurs have been quick to tap the business potential of this non-formal education tool.

Scientific theories associate the left hemisphere of the brain with numerical and academic abilities, and the right hemisphere with creativity and intelligence. Proponents of abacus education claim that while formal education focuses merely on left-brain development, the abacus brings about "whole brain development".

"If the brain is not developed at an early age, one's mental abilities can start declining by 20 years of age. That's why we must tap them young," says Dhaval Shrimankar, CEO,

The brain gyms - as these institutes are called - are not stand-alone entities, but, instead, operate through a network of local franchises in urban and semi-urban areas. The reach and popularity of abacus education can be gauged from the burgeoning franchisee network.

Today, the same innovative education is available in the US and Canada. The system has taken the home-school communities by the storm. Private centers similar to Score or Kumon are springing up from west coast to the east coast.

As an alternative to investment for a franchise, books are directly sold to the interested customers. Many of the patrons take up on roles of tutors as well as franchise owners.

How does Abacus work?

The abacus consists of 13 vertical rods, separated into two sections by a horizontal bar. Each rod contains one bead in the upper section and four beads in the lower section.

When given a sum, the child recites a rhyme corresponding to the kind of calculation involved. This also makes learning fun and easy. Simultaneously, the child moves the required beads up and down. The position of each bead signifies a specific numerical value. At the end of the rhyme, the position of the beads touching the horizontal bar, gives the answer.

As the course advances, the abacus is taken away and the child is encouraged to picture the abacus mentally to come up with the answer. After sufficient training, the child becomes adept at moving the beads mentally and no longer needs to recite the rhyme aloud to arrive at the answer.

Dhaval Shrimankar believes in nurturing minds of young children using mental math techniques. You can find more information at the nurtureminds blog and Blog78089
Bridie Blog37429

Satellite TV: More Channels Than Cable And Less Expensive, Too!

Many people have satellite TV and theres a very good reason for it: you get almost unlimited channels and its a price that most anyone can afford. When you compare satellite TV to its cable counterpart, you will automatically notice a difference in the amount of channels you get to choose from. With a cable package, you get to choose from different packages, and you have to pay more for premium channels, such as HBO or Cinemax.

More Channels Than You Can Handle

With satellite TV, you get all the channels in one package. Thats because the satellite dish that you have installed on or near your home is able to pick up many channels that your cable TV provider cant offer you.

Free Installation With Some Carriers!

The best part about satellite TV is that most carriers will offer free installation. You simply pay a small monthly fee, such as ten dollars a month, and you get a technician to come out to your house to install your satellite dish. You can have all those channels at your fingertips in the same day as you pick up the phone and call the satellite TV carrier of your choice.

A Few Drawbacks

There are some drawbacks to satellite TV that should be noted before a person commits to a contract. For one, satellite, unlike cable, can be affected by the weather. If the conditions are hostile, such as a bad thunderstorm, your satellite TV may not work as well or the picture wont come in as clear.

Another drawback is that you may have to adjust your dish, depending on which channels you want. Most satellite TV carriers offer a remote that allows you to change the position of your dish, but many see this as a hassle. With cable, you simply choose a channel and you dont have to worry that your cable box is pointed a certain way.

Satellite TV owners obviously dont mind the drawbacks, as they are quite minute, and there are many satellite TV owners today. So, if youre looking for an almost unlimited choice of channels at a price you can easily afford, call your local satellite TV provider today. A technician will soon visit your house and, in minutes, youll be able to surf the many channels that you wouldnt be able to see if you had chosen cable TV.

Simon Peters is the owner of, it is THE best source for advice on the subject of satellite TV, nothing to sell, just information . . .Blondy Blog52863
Annamaria Blog56502

Design Build Projects - Whose Minding the Store?

So you're ready to start your design build remodeling project. You have hired yourself a contractor and are raring to go right? Wrong!

Of course a new renovation project is an exciting time especially a design build project which allows for the most instantaneous freedom of expression. Anticipating the end and having a fresh new look is a temptation to hurry the process along. But a word of caution; walk don't run. A design build project can also be difficult to keep on track if you don't have a plan.

Unless you are someone with endless means, don't get ahead of yourself, the work you do up front could potentially save you thousands even tens of thousands of dollars in the end.

Working out a comprehensive budget that will get you both the final design you desire while keeping you out of financial trouble is sometimes a high-wire balancing act. But it can be done.

Ok so how do you achieve this important goal when you don't even know everything you want? Well first you must take some important steps that if not done, can have a negative impact on your actual budget.

Here's the Top 10:

1. You must realistically decide how much you can "invest" in this project. And it is truly an investment as you will benefit financially from the return on investment (roi).

2. Determine what type of funding will you use? Savings, personal note, home equity line of credit or loan? Choosing the right type of funding can also save you money. You should speak to your financial advisor.

3. How much of a contingency are you able to set aside for unforeseen conditions which result in changes. (It should be at least 15%; 20% if possible).

4. Get the basic design on paper as soon as possible. This would include plans, elevations and specifications. Whatever can be determined up front should be. This will help solidify your budget.

5. Obtain a minimum of three bids from contractors based on the basic design intent. Make sure they are pricing apples to apples.

6. Establish allowances for all large purchases such as plumbing fixtures, appliances, lighting and stick to them.

7. Check contractor references thoroughly; view their work if possible. Having an incompetent contractor will cost you money.

8. Get it in writing. Whatever pricing, materials and/or project schedules are agreed upon up front, they should be part of a written contract.

9. If your renovation project is large (and large is relative to your budget), you may want to consult an attorney to review or even write the contract for you.

10. Require insurance certificates (general liability and workmen's compensaton) from your contractor and subcontractors.

So What's Up With the Title?

Ok why is this article is entitled "Whose Minding the Store"? Well of course it is only a metaphorical question but it is one of great consequence. The "Store" is your budget. And the question is who will be minding it?

Believe it or not, I see many just sort of loose track of it. Then all of a sudden, wham, the reality hits them like a freight train. Someone needs to be in charge. It can be you, your architect or your designer but it should be done consistently by the same party and updated no less than once a month on a good size project. A written comparison of actual costs versus estimated costs. This will keep your budget from derailing.

Design build projects are difficult to anticipate costs way in advance keeping constant tabs on them is imperative. A good way to do this is to create categories or phases in the beginning. The construction industry uses what are known as CSI codes. These construction cost codes break down a project by every category and assign a number to it thus creating a schedule of values.

If your contractor is unfamiliar with them, they can create their own just make sure it covers all the categories you can think of and includes material and labor. Then when they invoice you, they should bill against these categories.

Not only will you see where you may be getting into trouble, you may also see where you have a windfall and can move some money (theoretically) around. Your contractor should be able to provide you with this information. It can easily be managed on a simple spreadsheet.

Don't Forget This One:

A category that many people overlook is general conditions. These costs can add up especially on a large project. It includes items such as dumpsters, temporary utilities, portable toilets, cleaning, management fees, temporary controls and protection to name just a few.

Other substantial amounts of course will be found in the major trades. These will include rough carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, millwork and finish carpentry, flooring, doors, windows and roofing materials.

Ok so now you have your design and a budget you can live with. Now what? Now a call to action. Research your product selections and their availability. The earlier decisions are made the earlier the orders can be placed. Delays cost money pure and simple.

Dilligence is the key:

Don't let the inertia of your project get your budget spinning out of control. By carefully monitoring your budget, you will not only get the finished project you desire but also may find a way to get things that were once only on your wish list.

Tammy A. Borges is the founder and author of This website is a complete beginners guide to the home remodeling process. She is an experienced and accomplished Senior Project Manager and has been in the construction industry for 25 years.Arda Blog71763
Carena Blog49839

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